
§設定 Netty Server 後端

Netty 伺服器後端建立在 Netty 之上。

注意:Netty 伺服器後端並非 2.6.x 的預設值,因此必須特別啟用。請參閱 Netty Server 文件中的更多資訊。


Play 使用下列預設設定

# Copyright (C) from 2022 The Play Framework Contributors <https://github.com/playframework>, 2011-2021 Lightbend Inc. <https://www.lightbend.com>

play.server {

  # The server provider class name
  provider = "play.core.server.NettyServerProvider"

  netty {

    # The default value of the `Server` header to produce if no explicit `Server`-header was included in a response.
    # If this value is the null and no header was included in the request, no `Server` header will be rendered at all.
    server-header = null
    server-header = ${?play.server.server-header}

    # The number of event loop threads. 0 means let Netty decide, which by default will select 2 times the number of
    # available processors.
    eventLoopThreads = 0

    # When Netty shuts down, it ensures that no tasks (requests) are submitted for 'the quiet period' before it finally shuts down.
    # If a task is submitted during the quiet period, it is guaranteed to be accepted and the quiet period will start over.
    # For more details see:
    # https://netty.dev.org.tw/4.1/api/io/netty/util/concurrent/EventExecutorGroup.html#shutdownGracefully-long-long-java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit-
    # Play keeps using Netty's default of 2 seconds:
    # https://github.com/netty/netty/blob/netty-4.1.92.Final/common/src/main/java/io/netty/util/concurrent/AbstractEventExecutor.java#L40
    shutdownQuietPeriod = 2 seconds

    # The maximum length of the initial line. This effectively restricts the maximum length of a URL that the server will
    # accept, the initial line consists of the method (3-7 characters), the URL, and the HTTP version (8 characters),
    # including typical whitespace, the maximum URL length will be this number - 18.
    maxInitialLineLength = 4096

    # The maximum length of body bytes that Netty will read into memory at a time.
    # This is used in many ways.  Note that this setting has no relation to HTTP chunked transfer encoding - Netty will
    # read "chunks", that is, byte buffers worth of content at a time and pass it to Play, regardless of whether the body
    # is using HTTP chunked transfer encoding.  A single HTTP chunk could span multiple Netty chunks if it exceeds this.
    # A body that is not HTTP chunked will span multiple Netty chunks if it exceeds this or if no content length is
    # specified. This only controls the maximum length of the Netty chunk byte buffers.
    maxChunkSize = 8192

    # Whether the Netty wire should be logged
    log.wire = false

    # The transport to use, either jdk or native.
    # Native socket transport has higher performance and produces less garbage but are only available on linux 
    transport = "jdk"

    # Netty options. Possible keys here are defined by:
    # https://netty.dev.org.tw/4.1/api/io/netty/channel/ChannelOption.html
    # For native socket transport:
    # https://netty.dev.org.tw/4.1/api/io/netty/channel/unix/UnixChannelOption.html
    # https://netty.dev.org.tw/4.1/api/io/netty/channel/epoll/EpollChannelOption.html
    # Options that pertain to the listening server socket are defined at the top level, options for the sockets associated
    # with received client connections are prefixed with child.*
    option {

      # Set the size of the backlog of TCP connections.  The default and exact meaning of this parameter is JDK specific.
      # SO_BACKLOG = 100

      child {
        # Set whether connections should use TCP keep alive
        # SO_KEEPALIVE = false

        # Set whether the TCP no delay flag is set
        # TCP_NODELAY = false

        # Example how to set native socket transport options
        # (Full qualified class name + "#" + option)
        # "io.netty.channel.unix.UnixChannelOption#SO_REUSEPORT" = true
        # "io.netty.channel.ChannelOption#TCP_FASTOPEN" = 1



上述設定適用於 Netty 伺服器後端,但也有其他更通用的設定

# Copyright (C) from 2022 The Play Framework Contributors <https://github.com/playframework>, 2011-2021 Lightbend Inc. <https://www.lightbend.com>

play {

  server {

    # The root directory for the Play server instance. This value can
    # be set by providing a path as the first argument to the Play server
    # launcher script. See `ServerConfig.loadConfiguration`.
    dir = ${?user.dir}

    # HTTP configuration
    http {
      # The HTTP port of the server. Use a value of "disabled" if the server
      # shouldn't bind an HTTP port.
      port = 9000
      port = ${?PLAY_HTTP_PORT}
      port = ${?http.port}

      # The interface address to bind to.
      address = ""
      address = ${?PLAY_HTTP_ADDRESS}
      address = ${?http.address}

      # The idle timeout for an open connection after which it will be closed
      # Set to null or "infinite" to disable the timeout, but notice that this
      # is not encouraged since timeout are important mechanisms to protect your
      # servers from malicious attacks or programming mistakes.
      idleTimeout = 75 seconds

    # HTTPS configuration
    https {

      # The HTTPS port of the server.
      port = ${?PLAY_HTTPS_PORT}
      port = ${?https.port}

      # The interface address to bind to
      address = ""
      address = ${?PLAY_HTTPS_ADDRESS}
      address = ${?https.address}

      # The idle timeout for an open connection after which it will be closed
      # Set to null or "infinite" to disable the timeout, but notice that this
      # is not encouraged since timeout are important mechanisms to protect your
      # servers from malicious attacks or programming mistakes.
      idleTimeout = ${play.server.http.idleTimeout}

      # The SSL engine provider
      engineProvider = "play.core.server.ssl.DefaultSSLEngineProvider"
      engineProvider = ${?play.http.sslengineprovider}

      # HTTPS keystore configuration, used by the default SSL engine provider
      keyStore {
        # The path to the keystore
        path = ${?https.keyStore}

        # The type of the keystore
        type = "JKS"
        type = ${?https.keyStoreType}

        # The password for the keystore
        password = ""
        password = ${?https.keyStorePassword}

        # The algorithm to use. If not set, uses the platform default algorithm.
        algorithm = ${?https.keyStoreAlgorithm}

      # HTTPS truststore configuration
      trustStore {

        # If true, does not do CA verification on client side certificates
        noCaVerification = false

      # Whether JSSE want client auth mode should be used. This means, the server
      # will request a client certificate, but won't fail if one isn't provided.
      wantClientAuth = false

      # Whether JSSE need client auth mode should be used. This means, the server
      # will request a client certificate, and will fail and terminate the session
      # if one isn't provided.
      needClientAuth = false

    # The path to the process id file created by the server when it runs.
    # If set to "/dev/null" then no pid file will be created.
    pidfile.path = ${play.server.dir}/RUNNING_PID
    pidfile.path = ${?pidfile.path}

    websocket {
      # Maximum allowable frame payload length. Setting this value to your application's
      # requirement may reduce denial of service attacks using long data frames.
      frame.maxLength = 64k
      frame.maxLength = ${?websocket.frame.maxLength}

      # Periodic keep alive may be implemented using by sending Ping frames
      # upon which the other side is expected to reply with a Pong frame,
      # or by sending a Pong frame, which serves as unidirectional heartbeat.
      # Valid values:
      #   ping - default, for bi-directional ping/pong keep-alive heartbeating
      #   pong - for uni-directional pong keep-alive heartbeating
      periodic-keep-alive-mode = ping

      # Interval for sending periodic keep-alives
      # If a client does not send a frame within this idle time, the server will sent the the keep-alive frame.
      # The frame sent will be the one configured in play.server.websocket.periodic-keep-alive-mode
      # `infinite` by default, or a duration that is the max idle interval after which an keep-alive frame should be sent
      # The value `infinite` means that *no* keep-alive heartbeat will be sent, as: "the allowed idle time is infinite"
      periodic-keep-alive-max-idle = infinite

    debug {
      # If set to true this will attach an attribute to each request containing debug information. If the application
      # fails to load (e.g. due to a compile issue in dev mode), then this configuration value is ignored and the debug
      # information is always attached.
      # Note: This configuration option is not part of Play's public API and is subject to change without the usual
      # deprecation cycle.
      addDebugInfoToRequests = false

    # The maximum length of the HTTP headers. The most common effect of this is a restriction in cookie length, including
    # number of cookies and size of cookie values.
    max-header-size = 8k

    # If a request contains a Content-Length header it will be checked against this maximum value.
    # If the value of a given Content-Length header exceeds this configured value, the request will not be processed
    # further but instead the error handler will be called with Http status code 413 "Entity too large".
    # If set to infinite or if no Content-Length header exists then no check will take place at all
    # and the request will continue to be processed.
    # Play uses the concept of a `BodyParser` to enforce this limit, so we set it to infinite.
    max-content-length = infinite

    # Timeout after which all requests and connections shall be forcefully terminated
    # when shutting down the server. When this timeout gets applied, already the server is not bound to ports
    # and therefore not accepting new connections anymore. It will default to Coordinated Shutdown service-requests-done
    # phase timeout. Because of that default, Play will trigger the timeout 100 milliseconds earlier than actually configured
    # via this config to make sure it fires before the service-requests-done phase ends.
    # Value must be a duration, for example:
    #   play.server.terminationTimeout = 5 seconds
    # This should be less than or equal to the value for `pekko.coordinated-shutdown.phases.service-requests-done.timeout`
    # to prevent early server terminations by the underlying Pekko Coordinated Shutdown system.
    terminationTimeout = null

    # The delay to wait before the server will shut down requests and connections via "graceful" termination. When
    # this delay gets applied, already the server is not bound to ports and therefore not accepting new connections anymore.
    # This config might help you do work around a bug which causes the pekko-http backend to not take response entity streams into account
    # during graceful termination, giving those responses time to finish: https://github.com/akka/akka-http/issues/3209
    # By default, no delay is applied.
    # Value must be a duration, for example:
    #   play.server.waitBeforeTermination = 2 seconds
    # Be aware that `waitBeforeTermination` and `terminationTimeout` both happen within the Coordinated Shutdown `service-requests-done` phase.
    # Therefore, the total value of the two configs should not be longer than the total timeout of the `service-requests-done` phase.
    waitBeforeTermination = 0

    # If body parsing should happen before executing actions defined via action composition (default) or if it should
    # be deferred to a later point in time.
    # Depending on the used Play plugin (PlayScala or PlayJava), setting this config to true will behave slightly differently.
    # Please see the docs for more details:
    # PlayScala
    # https://playframework.com/documentation/latest/ScalaActionsComposition#Action-composition-in-interaction-with-body-parsing
    # PlayJava
    # https://playframework.com/documentation/latest/JavaActionsComposition#Action-composition-in-interaction-with-body-parsing
    deferBodyParsing = false

  editor = ${?PLAY_EDITOR}


§設定傳輸 Socket

原生 Socket 傳輸效能較高且產生的垃圾較少,但僅適用於 Linux。您可以在 application.conf 中設定傳輸 Socket 類型

play.server {
  netty {
    transport = "native"


可用的選項定義於 Netty 通道選項文件 中。如果您使用原生 Socket 傳輸,可以設定 這些這些 其他選項。


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